
Les Mystères D'Emma Fielding: Le Trésor Oublié Movie Genres Comedy Mystery Hidden Network

Les mystères d'Emma Fielding: le trésor oublié tt6973942




Duration - 2hours, 0 minutes

country - Canada

year - 2017

star - Adam DiMarco

Suzette Couture

Watch Los misterios de Emma Fielding: Yacimiento oculto English Film. I could accept the formulaic script, predictable plot, and two-dimensional characters of this film-I watch this kind of movie to relax and not have to think too hard. But trying to pretend that British Columbia was Maine was more than my imagination could handle! If an east coast location and American actors were too expensive, why couldn't they have tweaked the story to suit a west coast setting? Professor Fielding could just as easily have been searching for artifacts of Spanish expeditions to the Pacific Northwest or Native American burial sites as trying to prove the existence of an early Pilgrim settlement. It was so ridiculously obvious that this was not Maine that I couldn't think of anything else throughout the entire movie.


Lorsqu'elle découvre sur le site le corps d'un homme récemment assassiné, l'agent Connor, chargé de l'enquête, suit la piste d'un trafic d'antiquités et la recherche d'un hypothétique trésor des colons. Mais la jeune femme a l'intuition qu'elle est dans la ligne de mire du tueur. Les Mystères d'Emma Fielding : le Trésor Oublié - Film.

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